We have assembled four websites of various household and personal items and one website of Certified Logo Items for you to browse and shop.
When you are ready to shop, click on one of the websites below. (You may have to hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard for the website to load).
Links to browse items:
- https://cfcusilver.buyproforma.com/#/
- Value level $25-$100
- https://cfcugold.buyproforma.com/#/
- Value level $101-$250
- https://cfcuplatinum.buyproforma.com/#/
- Value level $251-$500
- https://cfcutitanium.buyproforma.com/#/
- Value level $501-$1,000
- https://cfcugear.buyproforma.com/#/
Add items to CART
- Click ADD TO CART. Keep in mind, each website is its own website. The items in your cart don’t carry over to the next website.
- Once you have completed your shopping for a particular website and have added items to the cart, click on CART and complete the requested information.
- Purchase Order Number is your name.
Forms of payment
- Fitness Points-$25 for every 90 points (Must have a certificate from Accounting in increments of $25)
- 5% Shopping Rebate-$25 for $500 in receipts (Must have current earning in increments of $25)
- Cash from your personal account
Once you have submitted your selection on the website, please complete the information below, return to [email protected], and your selection will be ordered.
- Fitness Points (increments of $25): $_____
- 5% Shopping Rebate (increments of $25): $_____
- HUB Bucks: $_____
- Cash from personal account: $_____
- Certified Federal Member/Account number: ___________